The percentage of cybersecurity threats attributed to humans being tricked varies, but it’s commonly estimated that around 90% of cybersecurity incidents involve some form of human error or manipulation, such as falling victim to phishing attacks, clicking on malicious links, or inadvertently sharing sensitive information. Human factors play a significant role in many cybersecurity breaches.

Born and raised in Central California, the Hoodwink partners have 15 years of cybersecurity experience. Hoodwink Consulting brings trusted solutions, industry-leading practices, enhanced data security, and with a team of over 40 cybersecurity experts with numerous certifications from SANS, Offensive Security, and more you can trust us to protect you and your business.

Safely pressure test your systems and validate your teams responses with our testing. Leveraging real-world attacks, Hoodwink will identify gaps in your security posture and provide guided steps for remediation.

Bring in the adversary mindset and let us set up a security program that minimizes risk and ensures best practices are being utilized within your network.
Hoodwink specializes in solving unique problems. From misconfigured permissions to unknown exposed services to the internet, we can help provide a custom solution to the unique issues you face.


Sit down with Hoodwink and quickly learn why we’re more than just penetration testers, we’re strategic advisors for your business.


With quick turnaround times and amazing responsiveness, Hoodwink is here for you when you need us.

Here when you need us

Put our responsiveness to the test:


We provide the services you need, regardless of how niche.

Custom Solutions

Today’s environment creates unique obstacles. We can help!


Hoodwink tests and confirms your security helping you rest easy.


Schedule a call today to learn more!